

It is possible to fly without motors, but not without knowledge and skill.

बिना मोटर के उड़ना संभव है, लेकिन ज्ञान और कौशल के बिना नहीं।

Dear Achievers

We are witnessing a phenomenal change in the education scenario. The chance has been both in terms of the content and the reach. The trend has been to instil the element of excellence in every field. The best in every field of knowledge is being made available for the progress of the country. There has been a great spurt in the number of institutes catering to millions of aspirants.

We are aware of the needs of our country to make her knowledge based super power in the next decade or two. With this in view, we have stepped in to meet the present day academic milieu in the student community. The idea is to create opportunities in various fields by incorporating the latest specialties of learning, which would cater to the critical needs of the industry and the economy. We foresee a close interaction among the institutes, industries, business houses and association in modelling the content and skills. This will make education more and more vocational and skill based. This will surely result in better employ ability and greater productivity, ultimately contributing to the nation’s economy.

IIVAT provides a unique holistic education and learning experience. It promises overall development, freedom of thought and choice for academic program and specialization. IIVAT offers a unique curriculum, teaching methodology and learning experience that will inspire students to develop analysis, synthesis and lifelong learning skills, prepare and equip them to enter into global management industry with confidence.

INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF VOCATIONAL & ADVANCE TRAINING (IIVAT) aims to provide skill based vocational education and training. We have established our institution with the ideology of Dr. A. P.J. Abdul Kalam's four main pillars, i.e.

  • Knowledge Acquisition
  • Knowledge Imparting
  • Knowledge Creation and
  • Knowledge Sharing


We have translated the words of the great scientist into education programs which will create a large pool of skilled youth by 2025. That's our vision for the New Millennium. So let us join hands to provide skills based vocational education and Advance Training.

Friends, We invite you to join us in our endeavor to create a knowledge based information society that fortifies the Intellectual, Physical, Mental and Spiritual dimensions of individuals.

Best Wishes,
Dr. Yogendra Halwan,
Director, IIVAT

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